Welcome to ourWAUourWAU is Washington Adventist University's Employee Information Service. It is your Online Gateway to Service, or portal, that allows you to access confidential information relating to your area of service for the college. You will see a number of categories on the left hand side of this screen. All the categories that have labels starting with a "my" prefix are categories containing web reports designed especially for students. Yet, while these are very useful for the students, they are very useful for you too. That is, if a student has a question or concern regarding one of the reports, you can quickly access the report yourself to see exactly what is the student is viewing (this is a powerful and unique feature of WAU's portal system, not found in the vast majority of web portal systems in the market today). Other categories start with the prefix "our." These categories are filled with programs tailored for the needs of our employees. As you know, as employees, we are a single team organized around a number of functional areas. Together, we can provide a fulfilling experience for our students, our colleagues, and our WAU community. Therefore, we have an Online Gateway to Service designed as a framework to assist us in our functional areas. We hope you enjoy the site, and find its content useful as you serve our Lord by serving our students. We hope that you find this Online Gateway to Service beneficial throughout your time with us. It was made to help simplify many complicated processes by putting them at your finger tips. Is this your first time? Have you forgotten your username or password? If so click here. New features are constantly being worked and designed. So, make sure to stop by and sign in often to see what new things we have made to help your WAU experience. |
7600 Flower Avenue
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